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To Protect Workers from Hearing Loss and your Company from Litigation

Occupational Noise

To protect workers from hearing loss and your company from unnecessary litigation, daily noise exposure in the workplace is regulated. To protect workers from hearing loss, daily noise exposures in the workplace are limited in provincial legislation, e.g. the Alberta Health and Safety Code (March 31,2023), part 16. Typically if workers may be exposed to noise levels over 82 dBA, a noise assessment must be performed. 

Noise levels at workstations can be measured with a sound level meter, and the noise exposure level can be calculated from those measurements. This method provides rank-ordered noise levels per task. This is helpful in analyzing which tasks are noisiest. It is more efficient than dosimetry and provides the required information for mitigation at the source. According to standard CSA Z107.56-18 dosimetry can be affected by e.g speech and horseplay.


dBA Noise Consultants can provide the following services:

  • Noise measurements.

  • Production of noise contour maps, to indicate where noise levels are in excess of 85 dBA.

  • Developing technical or administrative noise control measures, and help in selecting appropriate personal hearing protection.

  • Development and presentation of an educational program for workers that are exposed to higher noise levels.

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