For knowing that your project is in capable and caring hands
Why Choose Us?
We deliver a quality experience! We work alongside you to help you realize your project. Through our training, knowledge and experience we know noise inside out and we are supported by a complement of state-of-the-art, certified instrumentation and software. We are certified, independent acoustical consultants who are creative and think outside the box. Short and swift communication lines with our friendly consultants help ensure that your project is managed effective and efficient.
We are Qualified.
Our consultants are Board certified members of the Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA. This is a dedicated engineering qualification for noise and noise control engineering and design. With a combined experience of over five decades in a technical, management or expert witness role in a multitude of industrial, architectural and transportation acoustical studies, we are confident that we can help you preventing or solving noise issues. This allows you peace of mind that things are in capable hands.
We Deliver On Time And Within Budget
dBA Noise Consultants has a long track record of delivering projects on time and within budget. Clear communications and commitments ensure that expectations are met and no unexpected surprises arise. Our clients don't like surprises and neither do we!
Health & Safety
Health & Safety is paramount, and no job is worth doing if it cannot be done safe. We all want to return home healthy and safe. dBA Noise Consultants assessed the risks that we may encounter in our work, has a written health and safety policy, is SECOR Certified and is registered with ISNetworld.
Our Consultants
Virgini Senden, Eur.Ing., INCE Bd. Cert.
Virgini is a senior Acoustical Consultant with a broad environmental, industrial and architectural noise background and is in the noise consulting business since 1998. Her technical background and experience in working in a large variety of industries allows her to easily connect with industrial and manufacturing clients, while her experience in working directly for regulatory bodies allows her to easily connect with different regulatory regimes. Her experience in working on various large projects enables her to produce meaningful information from large amounts of data. Her experience as co-owner and noise team lead demonstrate her management skills.
Henk de Haan, Eur.Ing., INCE Bd. Cert.
Henk is a senior Acoustical Consultant and in the noise consulting business since 1991. He has extensive technical experience in acoustics and the petrochemical and refinery industry. Recognized as expert witness for noise in several judicial procedures and in hearings for power related projects. Educated and experienced in architectural, environmental, and occupational acoustics, noise control and noise management.