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Wind Turbine Projects

Wind Farm "Jam"
wind turbine noise - dBA Noise Consultan

A planned wind farm with other, operational wind farms nearby needed to thoroughly review noise reports, filed by one of the neighbouring wind farms to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) to make sure that the available “noise room” for their wind farm was adhered to. dBA Noise Consultants reviewed the submitted noise reports and provided noise expert services to assist our client in protecting their interests.

Wind Farm Compliance
wind turbine noise - dBA Noise Consultan

As part of their permit with the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) a wind farm operator in southern Alberta required a post construction comprehensive sound level (CSL) survey to show compliance with the permissible sound level (PSL). Noise monitors were deployed at three residences and a five week long CSL survey was performed in order to obtain sufficient data within the required weather and operational limits. The CSL survey showed that compliance was achieved.

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