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The Right Tools For The Job



Rental Possibilities

Want to conduct your own sound survey? dBA Noise Consultants rents out sound level meters, as well as weather stations. The minimal renting period is one week.


Sound level meters are certified Type 1 accurate. They can measure sound broadband, and simultaneously analyze the sound spectrum in octave or 1/3 octave bands. They can also simultaneously record audio. The instruments meet all the requirements in Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) Rule 12, Noise Control and Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) Directive 038, Noise Control.


The wind speed meters (anemometers) in our scientific weather stations meet the accuracy requirements included in AUC Rule 12, Noise Control.


We even have internet-connected noise monitoring sets for rent. You install the instruments, while we configure and operate the instruments remotely, once they're up and running. This requires a stable data connection via the cell phone network. The best of both worlds within reach! Travel related cost savings on the one hand, experienced and professional instrument operation on the other hand.


Sound level meters come in a weather proof Pelican case, complete for 48 hours of continuing measurements and include software for post-processing as well. A calibrator is included. Weather stations measure wind (speed, direction), rain, temperature, barometric pressure and relative humidity. Tripod (including guy wires) and software for post processing is included. All instruments come with detailed installation and operating instructions. Based on our experience, we will suggest and pre-program instrument settings for your specific application.


You can also contact us for custom applications, such as long term remote noise & weather monitoring.


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