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Power Projects

Energy Centre Expansion
Large Water Cooler - Power Generation -

A power generating company wanted to expand its current base-load facility with a gas-fired peaking power plant. The base-load facility is located close to an urban centre, with several other energy-related facilities as well as a number of residences nearby. dBA Noise Consultants provided the noise impact assessment (NIA) including detailed measurement and noise modelling services, ambient sound level measurements and assisted in selecting the technology. We also provided regulatory assistance to help obtain the necessary permits.

Hydro Power Facilities
Large Water Cooler - Power Generation -

A power generating company required noise impact assessments as part of applications with the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) for several hydro power plants. dBA Noise Consultants performed noise measurements at the existing facilities, provided modelling services, wrote the NIA report and ensured that compliance was achieved at nearby residents.

Large Water Cooler - Power Generation -

A substation to distribute power emitted tonal noise that was audible for nearby residents. dBA Noise Consultants measured and modelled the existing substation and proposed several noise mitigation options, from which a noise barrier was selected and constructed. A post-construction comprehensive sound level survey was performed to check the resulting noise levels and revealed that the predicted noise reduction was fully achieved. The client and the residents were very happy.

Oil & Gas Facilities with added power generation
Large Water Cooler - Power Generation -

Several Oil & Gas facilities wanted to expand with waste-gas fuelled power generation. These expansions require permits to operate from the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC). As part of the permit applications a noise assessment according to Rule 012 Noise Control needs to be provided. dBA Noise Consultants provided the noise measurements, modelling services and noise impact assessment reports. Noise mitigation recommendations were provided where required.

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