The Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) started a Rule 12 consultation process for potential changes to Rule 12, Noise Control on June 3, 2022. This is a mere 15 months after the current version of Rule 12 came into effect on March 5, 2021. We submitted comments on the proposed changes that can be found here. Based on all comments the AUC provided the test PDF_Bulletin 2023-01 Appendix A - Comment Matrix . dBA Noise Consultants provided further comments on those proposed changes that can be found here.
Approximately a year after the proposed changes, a meeting with stakeholders was proposed to discuss the potential changes and comments. Recently, we were invited to provide further comments specifically regarding the ambient noise level and the A2 adjustment to the PSL. The A2 adjustment is an adjustment based on the actual ambient sound level in an area. This invitation was send only to stakeholders who commented on the ambient sound level and A2 adjustment earlier in the consultation. Our feedback can be found here.